Aqua & Agriculture | Skagen Salmon

Automated, cloud-based solution increases efficiency in aquaculture facility
Init delivered an automated fish feed system, SCADA system and cloud solution for Skagen Salmon’s new fish farming facility.
Skagen Salmon’s new facility for fish farming is built on recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) technology. The facility is highly automated and is equipped with a fish feed system, SCADA system and cloud solution from Init.
Skagen Salmon’s new facility has an annual capacity of 3,600 tonnes salmon. The fish are farmed in indoor tanks with grow out systems 1-6 and harvested at a weight of up to 4 kg. Init delivered the fish feeding system, electrical panels as well as SCADA system and cloud solution for the new facility.
Automated fish feeding system for higher efficiency
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Aqua & Agriculture
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