Utility | DIN Forsyning

Developing the automation standard for the central heating of the future
Init has developed the automation standard at PLC and SCADA level for DIN Forsyning’s entire utility setup, which includes Denmark’s largest heat pump system.
The Danish utility company, DIN Forsyning aims to supply green central heating to the approximately 25,000 homes, companies and institutions in its distribution area. With the company’s new large seawater based heat pump station and a biomass boiler plant – both equipped with automation solutions developed by Init – DIN Forsyning is well on its way to meet that goal.
One SCADA system to rule them all
Combining technologies for green utility solutions

Sundrop Farms
Init delivered the automation solution for a new prestigious greenhouse concept at Sundrop Farms in Australia. See more

Herlev Hospital
When Herlev Hospital moved all its cooling and freezing cabinets together in one location, Init helped connect them virtually, too. See more