Improved operations today

greater impact tomorrow.

Our industrial IT and automation services are tailored to help optimise every step of our customers’ operations so that, together, we can create meaningful results – for their business, for society, and for the environment.

Hållbarhet i fokus

i allt vi gör.

Kanske är det bara för att vi är ingenjörer i själ och hjärta, men vi tycker att tiden för att prata om hållbarhet är över. Vi behöver åtgärder som ger en påtaglig effekt.

Det är därför våra tjänster är särskilt utformade för att hjälpa och uppmuntra våra kunder att uppnå sina egna hållbarhetsmål. Dessutom har vi en rad interna initiativ som omfattar grön energi, återanvändning av förpackningar och optimering av system, med fokus på att maximera vår egen positiva inverkan på samhället och planeten.

Local presence

International reach.

Init Getinge

Maskinvägen 9, 305 75 Getinge , Sweden

+46 10 141 77 00

Init Gothenburg

Bror Nilssons Gata 5, 417 55 Göteborg, Sweden

+46 31 722 48 00

Init Kristianstad

Uddevägen 3, 291 54 Kristianstad, Sweden

+46 44 22 54 76

Init Malmö

Derbyvägen 6B, 212 35 Malmö, Sweden

+46 31 722 48 00

Init Stockholm

Årstaängsvägen 21C, 117 43 Stockholm, Sweden

+46 85 22 176 00


How we

got here.

Init began in 2022 with an ambition to unite the best industrial IT and automation companies in the Nordic region.


Today, Init is a family of 16 companies spanning a diverse set of specialisms spanning HMI programming, production, digitalisation strategy, and IT/OT cyber security. These companies were all united by a ‘people first’ philosophy and a dedication to operational excellence while retaining local knowledge and client relationships.


In December 2023, eight member companies were consolidated into one brand under the Init name. In early 2024, two companies followed suit. Additional companies will continue trading under their original names as part of the Init group until they are ready to become ”fully Init”.


Founded in 1988 The acquisition of automation specialist, Picca, starts the Init journey.


Founded in 1995 Swedish intelligent control and surveillance company becomes part of Init.


Founded in 1987 Software and automation company Logimatic grows Init’s Danish presence.

AN Group

Founded in 1977 Joins Init with key automation experience in life science and food & beverage


Founded in 2018 Key competencies in telecom, machine learning, big data, IIOT and cloud solutions


Founded in 2000 Joins Init with core competencies within automatisation and data based optimisation


Founded in 2017 Specialised in industrial IT, process optimisation and data analytics.

MBB Group

Founded in 2016 MBB brings key competencies in cyber security and IT/OT systems.

Martensson Consulting

Founded in 1997 Delivering digitalisation, automation and optimisation of process lines


Founded in 1968 Supplier of tailor-made solutions for feed factories, fish farming and water treatment


Founded in 1996 Joins Init with key industrial IT competencies within marine and energy

FH Software

Founded in 1968 Producing high-quality software in PLC, SCADA and Motion Control designer.


Founded in 1989 IPB joins Init with solid experiences in food & beverage and manufacturing industries.

Automation Lab

Founded in 2009 Since 2009, Automation Lab has delivered tailormade automation solutions for the green transition.


Founded in 2011 Danish Zatea is specialised within the life science industry


Founded in 2006 Eldor has delivered system engineering in the oil and gas market since 2006.

metagram Solutions

Grundades 2022 Tyska metagram Solutions är specialiserade inom Pharma 4.0 rådgivning och konsultation.


what's new.

Event | 1 - 03 October

See you at FoodTech

Three days focused on inspiration and dialogue about the future automation solutions for companies in the food and beverage sector. See more

Event | 11 - 13 September

Init at Drifts- konferansen Oslo-Kiel 2024

We look forward to meet business partners, customers and new contacts at the exhibition. See more

Init vinner ramavtal med SISAB

Init har blivit utvald att ansvara för den applikatoriska förvaltningen av Skolfastigheter i Stockholms AB’s (SISAB's) överordnade system SOLIDA. See more

New companies | 05 July

Eldor joins Init

With the acquisition of Norwegian Eldor, Init strengthens its offerings to the energy industry and at the same time expands its European presence with locations in Stavanger, Norway and Aberdeen, UK. See more

Event wrap-up | 01 July

Init at the Forefront of the Global Azure and DevOps 2024 Events in Skopje

Recently, our team from Skopje, North Macedonia, made significant contributions at two prominent events: the Global Azure Bootcamp and the Global DevOps Experience. See more



The Solnova solar power plant is based on concentrated solar power designed by Danish Aalborg CSP and equipped with boiler control and switching system from Init. See more



Automation Lab – part of Init has delivered the automation system for the SaltPower's first clean energy plant. See more

New companies | 18 March

Zatea becomes part of Init

Zatea joins Init to strengthen the group’s offerings to the Life Science industry See more

News | 05 January

Init is Team Rynkeby Platinum Sponsor

Init has entered into a sponsorship agreement with the charity cycling team Team Rynkeby who cycles for the benefit of children with critical illnesses. See more


Sundrop Farms

Init delivered the automation solution for a new prestigious greenhouse concept at Sundrop Farms in Australia. See more

New companies | 11 December

Automation Lab becomes part of Init

Automation Lab becomes part of Init to strengthen the group's joint position in the Danish market. See more


DIN Forsyning

Init has developed the automation standard at PLC and SCADA level for DIN Forsyning’s entire utility setup. See more


Herlev Hospital

When Herlev Hospital moved all its cooling and freezing cabinets together in one location, Init helped connect them virtually, too. See more

Marine & Offshore

Royal Canadian Navy

As sub-supplier to Odense Maritime Technology, Init has delivered design and consulting in connection with six new patrol ships for the Royal Canadian Navy. See more

Life Science

Bavarian Nordic

In parallel with the construction project, Init built the building management system for Bavarian Nordic’s new filling facility See more


By & Havn / Lynetteholmen

Init has delivered a tailormade advanced video surveillance solution with integration to ERP, for the vast construction area of Lynetteholmen in Copenhagen. See more

News | 29 November

Industriprojektbyrån Engineering AB becomes part of Init

IPB joins the group to strengthen our offering to the industry... See more

Aqua & Agriculture

Skagen Salmon

Init delivered an automated fish feed system, SCADA system and cloud solution for Skagen Salmon’s new fish farming facility. See more

News | 29 November

Eight companies become Init.

Today we are excited to announce the full integration of eight members of the Init group into the Init brand... See more



Thanks to its new, highly automated mixing system developed by Init, Brenntag has achieved more flexibility, better uniformity and full traceability. See more


Malmö Hospital

Init handled the control, supervision and integration of all technical systems in a new service building at the Malmö Hospital grounds. See more

Food & Beverage

Stauning Whisky

Stauning Whisky's top modern distillery is equipped with Init’s groundbreaking control system user interface See more

News | 12 November

FH Automation's Software department becomes part of Init.

FH Software becomes part of the group to strengthen our offer to the industry and our position in the Danish market... See more

News | 29 October

Nebb becomes part of Init

Creating a Nordic Champion in Automation and Industrial IT... See more

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