Events | See you at FoodTech | 1 - 03 October

See you at

FoodTech 2024.



Init exhibiting at FoodTech 2024
The destination where we challenge the status quo and push the boundaries of what is possible within food and beverage technology. FoodTech explores the answers.


At Init, we look forward to meeting partners, customers, and future customers at the Nordic region’s largest food and beverage fair. Development is a constant factor at Init, and we will showcase new technologies and the latest solutions for the industry.

Our experts will help you achieve better and greener operations, as well as provide ideas for new and smarter solutions in industrial IT and automation. Among other things, we will introduce you to our unique alarm management system for your SCADA system, as well as our ‘digital twin,’ which creates a virtual copy of your operations, ensuring added value and reduced risk


About Driftskonferansen

Driftskonferansen provides a platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and discovering new solutions. These innovations drive efficiency and sustainability in property management and construction operations. With over 350 attendees expected, this year’s event will be one of the most important gatherings in Norway.


Event details:

Date: 1-3/10/2024
Location: MCH Herning, Denmark
Init Stand: M9578


Get your free ticket:

By using our invitation code, you can get a free ticket: FT24-31349


>> Click here and get your free ticket


Looking Forward to Meeting You!

We invite you to visit our stand at FoodTech 2024. Let’s explore how Init can support your success in the sector of food and beverage. Whether you’re looking for new technology or insights, we’re here to help.


Event | 11 - 13 September

Init at Drifts- konferansen Oslo-Kiel 2024

We look forward to meet business partners, customers and new contacts at the exhibition. See more

Event | 11 - 13 September

Init at Drifts- konferansen Oslo-Kiel 2024

We look forward to meet business partners, customers and new contacts at the exhibition. See more

Init vinner ramavtal med SISAB

Init har blivit utvald att ansvara för den applikatoriska förvaltningen av Skolfastigheter i Stockholms AB’s (SISAB's) överordnade system SOLIDA. See more

New companies | 05 July

Eldor joins Init

With the acquisition of Norwegian Eldor, Init strengthens its offerings to the energy industry and at the same time expands its European presence with locations in Stavanger, Norway and Aberdeen, UK. See more